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Branding Blueprint for Your Business

Branding Blueprint for Your Business

business strategy marketing tips social media Jun 14, 2021

I often hear from small business owners who are struggling to come up with what to share to attract, engage and convert their ideal customer. They also want to connect with their audience authentically—without feeling salesy, pushy or doing anything that makes you squirm. 

So I’ve teamed up with Carinda Gosling from This is Co. to share her ‘Seen, Loved + Selling’ Blueprint with my community. Carinda is an expert copywriter and brand strategist from Australia who draws upon her 10+ years of experience helping businesses harness the power of content, copywriting and communication to create success—to get seen, loved and selling—and to stand out in the marketplace. All without the struggles of content getting in their way.

Her blueprint includes nine crucial elements every small business owner needs in their brand and content marketing to stand out from the rest. The elements fall under three categories: BRAND, AUDIENCE and CONTENT clarity. This is a not-so-secret but very powerful recipe for success.

BRAND CLARITY: Knowing why you are the one for them and having the exact words to communicate this concisely and captivatingly. ⁠

AUDIENCE CLARITY: Knowing exactly what your audience needs to hear from you to go from 'just looking' to 'loyal customer.' And having the structure to show them why they should choose you over all the rest.⁠

CONTENT CLARITY: Knowing what topics to post, when to post, and how often to talk about each theme in your business. And knowing how to write content using proven structures and copywriting tips that make content magnetic to your audience.

Following is a breakdown of the elements in each category. 

Brand Clarity Must-Haves

  1. You have your brand messages sorted: You know your points of difference, what makes you unique and what value you bring to your clients. You have the concise and captivating messages to shout this from the rooftops.
  2. You have a unique voice + vibes + values that is magnetic: You have a voice, vibe and brand core that really helps to show the unique personality of your business. One that is authentically you, gives you a point of difference and connects with your audience.
  3. You know your secret sauce and what makes you stand out: Your points of difference are the secret sauce to getting seen, loved and selling with a competitive edge. If a client asked you, “Why should I choose to work with you or buy from you over everyone else?” can you quickly answer why?

Audience Clarity Must-Haves

  1. You know your audience’s pain points, aspirations and desires: Knowing ‘fluff’ about your audience like their favourite podcast is not going to help you move the needle in your business. What will is knowing your audience’s actual pain points, aspirations and desires so you can tell them how your product or service solves those problems and helps their lives.
  2. Your bio is a hook for your audience to find you and hit follow: Your social media bio needs to give your audience complete clarity on who you are, what you do and how to engage with your business further. Doing this right means knowing your brand messages and audience pain points first, then working them into your bio.
  3. You are clear on how to get your audience off your page and into your biz: Do you have a very simple way to get your audience off social media and into the next steps of working with you or buying from you? Ask yourself this…if I love your content, does your bio or posts tell me or show me what to do next? And do you use clear calls to action in your content?

Content Clarity Must-Haves

  1. You have a content strategy with themes of what to share to get seen, loved and selling: Posts that educate, inspire and entertain are not enough to build a successful small business. These are crucial but there is more you need in your content marketing strategy if you want to build a business that connects, compels and converts. This includes posts that build trust, overcome objections, connect and position your product or service as THE ONE.
  2. You know how to structure your posts to get your audience reading and engaging: Social media captions can be one of the most powerful tools for your brand when you know how to structure them right! So having some tried and tested post formats are key, including headlines to stop the scroll.

Did you know? It’s been proven that in 2021, longer captions receive more engagement than shorter captions, so harness this powerful insight to get selling!

  1. You weave in copywriting tips so your words pack a powerful punch: Remember, content marketing is not about being an award-winning writer. It is about communicating with your clients like you would in any other conversation, but doing so using a few well-placed copywriting skills can really help you to supercharge these conversations to connect, compel and convert!

When you master all of these nine elements:

  • You will be seen and loved by your ideal audience through brand messages, using these to hook your ideal client all across your business.
  • Your persona and brand voice will help you connect better than ever before, stand out and become sought after.
  • You will easily and quickly craft content that will get you seen, loved and selling and have your audience saying, “It’s like you were talking right to me!”

Does this sound like what you need in your business? To finally master these nine elements to make your life easier, your social media perform better, and to make more impact and income in your small business like you deserve? 

If so, you're in the right place because these things are what Carinda’s Content Clarity Bootcamp covers. If you're ready to master these nine crucial elements and supercharge your brand and content marketing, then this is the solution for you.

Content Clarity Bootcamp is a 6-week step-by-step course and supported program (June 21 to July 30, 2021) that will help you go from feeling unclear on how to stand out, stuck with what to say and overwhelmed when trying to attract and engage your ideal audience on social feeling confident, consistent and skilled to produce content that will help your business be in demand! All without needing to be anything but the incredible, authentic you.

Keep shining bright!

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